Sunday, September 21, 2008

More pictures from this past week

Week of Fun!!

This week we have had fun with Brenden...he is getting so more mobile. He is now rolling everywhere and moving all around in his walker, both backwards and forewards. He loves it and we are so happy we got it!! We had lots of fun yesterday playing with Madelyn and Forrest. They came over for a fun time with us while Denny and Lori got to go on a date night. We played with the kids here for a little while and then took them to Red Robin for dinner. It was yummy and they had so much fun!! We look forward to the next time we get to hang out together!!

Sept 13th-Forrest Football and Kim's 30th Birthday!!

We had Forrest's second game and he is getting so good! He scored a touchdown and is loving flag football this season! Jim, Brenden and I are enjoying going to his games and watching him play. The kids are growing up too fast! He is going to be 7 in January!! Its just crazy!!
So also was my good friend's birthday and she wanted to have April and I go for we all met up at Two Rivers Spa and Salon and had fabulous pedicures!! If you have never had need to...they are wonderful. Then we all met on Sunday at Kim's house for a yummy barbecue with sushi, ribs, salads and cake it was so good!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Forrest's First Football Game

So it was early but so much fun to get to watch Forrest's first football game!! He did great and Brenden really enjoyed getting to watch his big cousin play!! We had a good weekend getting things done and enjoying the weather. Jim put up the second bay garage door opener and it is so nice having it!!! It will really be nice when the snow comes as well.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

So I know it has been awhile since my last post. It seems like there is never enough time in the day. We went to Bend last weekend and had a wonderful time getting to see everyone!! We ate wonderful food, shopped and hung out! It was so good getting to see Deb! So we visited Jim's Mom's gravesite and showed it to Brenden and took some pictures. So in a few days is her birthday so we will be thinking about Mom "Shauni" on her special day! Brenden had so much fun this weekend and he is always happy...I hope he always stays that way. So we started throwing the Kuai dog's toy up into the air and Kuai would jump up and catch it...well Brenden thought this was hilarious! So I will try and attach the is SO cute!!!