Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer Fun

Since Brenden like playing with Kitchen stuff so much, we got him his own sink. Brenden helped dad put the sink together. It was hot outside, so Brenden stood in his ppol while he played with the new sink.

Good Luck Rossi

Two Vizsla's are two much for a family with a one year old. This Friday we gave Rossi to the Vizsla rescue. We'll really miss him, but they'll be able to find him a loving home that has more time than we can spare and he won't have to spend his days in a kennel. Currently he is staying in a foster home in Boise.

Portland Children's Museum

When we were in Portland we went to the children's museum. Brenden played in the water, played with gears, crawled around. Uncle Chuck even got a chance to play. They had a big pit full of shredded rubber for kids to dig in (Pretty Cool, and no mess). Ian and Alicia went also and brought their daughter Hanna. As you can see from the picture of Ian and Hanna, there was do it yourself face painting booth.